The Bath Photo Walk


2018 – Walk Information

Sunday, 18 March 2018, 16:07 | Category : Information
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It’s been a while since we have had the chance to update the Bath Photowalk website. 2016 flew by in a flash and, although we managed to organise a number of fun photowalks, finding time to update this website with the images was another matter! We’re not quite sure what happened to 2017 either! We [...]

Photo Walk Dates : 2016

Wednesday, 23 December 2015, 13:07 | Category : Information
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In an attempt to give everyone a bit of notice with regard to the photo walks we are hoping to run this year, here is a provisional list of dates and locations. We will do our best to confirm these walks a couple of weeks in advance but please keep an eye on our Facebook [...]

Photowalk Exhibition – FaB 2013

Thursday, 4 April 2013, 17:59 | Category : Information
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We are very excited to announce that Bath Photowalk will be hosting an exhibition in central Bath during the Fringe Arts Bath festival from 24th May to 9th June this year. There were so many fantastic images to choose from but we have finally managed to shortlist 70 images and we’d like your help to [...]

Sharing photos

Friday, 29 July 2011, 10:11 | Category : Information
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Following each of the photowalks, we would love to be able to see and share your photos. In order for us to do this, we need to be able to find them! So, in preparation, we have set up a number of ways in which you can do this. As most of our members tend [...]

Bath – Travel Information

Thursday, 28 July 2011, 10:04 | Category : Information
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A number of people seem to be interested in joining us for the Bath photo walks from outside of Bath. So, if you are travelling from afar, here is some handy information. The bus and train stations are both centrally located at the southern end of the main shopping area. Trains run direct from London [...]